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Press releases
Real-time planning system for optimal use of resources
The aim of the innovation project “NotPASS”, which is funded with 875,000 euros from the Central Innovation Program for SMEs, is an intelligent real-time planning system for the optimal use of resources in hospitals and emergency rooms, which uses reinforcement learning algorithms to relieve the burden on medical specialists and nursing staff, improve treatment processes and shorten waiting times. (Edition: December 2023, page 6)
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Relieve the burden on nursing staff with real-time planning
The innovation project “NotPASS” aims to relieve the burden on medical specialists and nursing staff in hospitals and emergency rooms.
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Innovation project “NotPASS”
In the “NotPASS” innovation project, an intelligent real-time planning system is being developed for the optimal use of resources in hospital emergency rooms.
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Capital Congress Berlin
Three lively days of congresses awaited visitors to the capital congress in the hub27 of the trade fair in Berlin. From June 14th to 16th, important decision-makers from politics and science, from associations, medicine and nursing as well as from the ranks of payers and self-administration came together again this year to discuss the most pressing questions in the healthcare industry exchange.
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You can find further press releases here
Real-time planning system for optimal use of resources
The aim of the innovation project “NotPASS”, which is funded with 875,000 euros from the Central Innovation Program for SMEs, is an intelligent real-time planning system for the optimal use of resources in hospitals and emergency rooms, which uses reinforcement learning algorithms to relieve the burden on medical specialists and nursing staff, improve treatment processes and shorten waiting times. (Edition: December 2023, page 6)
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Relieve the burden on nursing staff with real-time planning
The innovation project “NotPASS” aims to relieve the burden on medical specialists and nursing staff in hospitals and emergency rooms.
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Innovation project “NotPASS”
In the “NotPASS” innovation project, an intelligent real-time planning system is being developed for the optimal use of resources in hospital emergency rooms.
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Capital Congress Berlin
Three lively days of congresses awaited visitors to the capital congress in the hub27 of the trade fair in Berlin. From June 14th to 16th, important decision-makers from politics and science, from associations, medicine and nursing as well as from the ranks of payers and self-administration came together again this year to discuss the most pressing questions in the healthcare industry exchange.
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DigiQuartier Recklinghausen
Our GPS tracker with alarm function Mobi has been included in the online database “Digital devices to support and increase comfort”.
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Digital Health Application
The publication of the interview with Ralf Drüge, the managing director of cibX GmbH, in the book “Digital Health Application (DiGA)”.
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Safer travel in old age thanks to the Smartstick
Publication of the Smartstick on the Münsterland e.V. website.
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IoT in the hospital: every zone with a clear view
Publication of the interview with Ralf Drüge, CEO of cibX GmbH on the topic:
“IoT in the hospital: a clear view of every zone” on the MEDICA website.
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cibX tests the tracking system in the Christophorus Clinics
The Greven-based company cibX GmbH develops and implements IoT-based location and visualization solutions for the health, home and service sectors. The cibX – Central Information Board is a cloud-based solution for locating and visualizing patients, beds, devices, rooms and processes. (page 13)
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cibX creates order in the intensive care unit
Publication of the article in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Coronavirus: safety zones with just one click
Publication of the article on the MED engineering portal – portal for the design and development of medical and laboratory products.
The Mobi in the rollator
Help for disoriented seniors from the airport park. Publication of the article in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
cibX in the list of healthcare startups
cibX GmbH is included in the online portal Healthcare Startups Germany.
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Smartstick – The connected walking stick
Publication of the interview with Ralf Drüge in
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Nobody gets lost here
Publication of the article in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Connected walking stick promises safe mobility in old age
Publication of the article on the online platform
Completion of the new office complex at the FMO in Greven. Publication of the article in the Westfälische Nachrichten.
Press contact
Just contact us!
Marie Quaing
- +49 2571 95777 16
Berühmte Alzheimer- und Demenzpatienten – Teil 20
Geno Silva –„Scarface“-Star Geno Silva wurde am 20. Januar 1948 in Albuquerque, New Mexico geboren. Fast über 40 Jahren war es auf der Kinoleinwand zu sehen und erlangte weltweite Berühmtheit
Vitamin-D-Mangel begünstigt schweren Corona-Verlauf
Das Dr. Jacobs Institut für komplementär-medizinische Forschung hat einen Zusammenhang zwischen Vitamin D und dem Coronavirus untersucht. Im Rahmen zweier klinischer Beobachtungsstudien wurde festgestellt, dass das Risiko für einen lebensbedrohlichen
Krankenhaus: Digitales Besucherregister mit Hilfe von cibX
Wer Freunde oder Familienangehörige in Krankenhäusern oder Pflegeeinrichtungen besuchen wollte, musste sich aufgrund der Corona-Schutzverordnung eine Weile gedulden. Nach fast sechs Wochen Besuchsverbot haben die Kliniken ihre Türen für alle
Medizinische Kühlschränke: Automatisches Temperatur Monitoring
Blutproben, Plasma, Arzneimittel und Impfstoffe sind kühlpflichtige Materialien und bedürfen deshalb einer permanenten kühlen Lagerung in medizinischen Kühlschränken. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf eine Aufrechterhaltung der vorgeschriebenen Temperatur sowie
Pandemien und Epidemien in historischer Perspektive
Die Corona-Pandemie ist seit Monaten zu einem globalen Gesundheitsproblem geworden. Blickt man aber auf die Geschichte zurück, musste die Menschheit immer wieder mit Seuchen kämpfen. Auch im vergangenen 20. Jahrhundert
Infektionsketten schnell und einfach mit dem cibX ermitteln
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat eine wichtige Maßnahme im Kampf gegen die Coronavirus-Pandemie beschlossen: das Nachverfolgen von den sogenannten Infektionsketten. Diese sind möglichst früh zu erkennen und zu durchbrechen, um die